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Korean ▶ [global news CheonJi] 코끼리에서 사자로… 세계가 주목하는 인도, 어떤 나라?

The whole world's eyes are gazing toward India
It has infinite potential and economic growth to serve as its foundation

The world is focusing on India, a country that is staving off the image of being a “poor country” and striving to change and grow. According the World Bank last January 14th, in the midst of the world’s economy being in a state of depression, the estimated growth of India’s economy was a recorded 7.3%. It stands alone, continuing in bounds. India’s projected growth rate for 2016 and 2017 are 7.8% and 7.9%, respectively. According to experts, a 7% growth rate will continue for the next 10 years.

Globally, India is highly competitive in the area of software. Those who head the prestigious and widely-known information and communication technology (ITC) companies such as Microsoft (MS), Nokia, Softbank, Adobe, and more are all from India.

◆Abundant Human Resources "A Population of 1.2 Billion"

With the almost significant increase in growth of India, there is an “Abundance of human resources” and “Modinomics.”

The population of India as of 2011 was 1.21 billion, making it the second most populated country after China. which is the first. It is estimated that by 2020, India will rank number one with a population of 1.4 billion, surpassing China.

In addition, India is seen as being structurally strong in terms of population. It has a large number of youth, with more than half of the population under the age of 25. It is a country with great potential, possessing abundant human resources for labor and production.

Another key attribute about India is its economic policy which focuses on aggressively attracting foreign investments. This policy, known as “Modinomics,” was introduced by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who took office last May. Last year, Prime Minister Modi emphasized the manufacturing of goods and utilizing the “Make in India,” campaign.

This year he is stressing, “Startup India,” for startup venture companies, where the establishment of technology-based startup companies is highly encouraged.

◆Continuous Racial and Religious conflicts

As a country with much transformation which the whole world is focusing on is India. What kind of place is it? It is a place where a vast population of various languages, religions, and cultures are gathered into one place. It Is difficult to talk about the religions of the world without mentioning India. It is the place where the origin of four religions is. They are: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. Additionally, it is known as the “land of gods” or the "department store of religions." This is also where foreign religions such as Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, etc. coexist.

Due to this very reason, the conflicts between religions and ethnicities were the fate of India. In 1947, during the time period of gaining independence from the UK, it is estimated that approximately 500,000 to a million people were killed due to the conflicts between Hindus and Muslims. India and Pakistan were divided in a similar way, and eventually had two more bloody wars. They are still on unfavorable terms. Not only this, but due to conflicts between ethnic and religious ideologies, such as Hinduism and Sikhism and Hinduism and Christianity. There have been countless victims.

India was unable to free itself of international conflicts. There were continuous conflicts with the bordering countries of Pakistan and China. With this background, India, that has endured a severe history, has desperately longed for peace above all other nations.

◆Mahatma Gandhi, Non-Violent Movement

Amidst these conflicts, Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) was born. Gandhi proposed "non-violence and non-resistance," leading the Indian National Movement.

"An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.” We can read about his thoughts and life. He is one who decided that violence cannot be stopped by violence. Therefore, he led the independence movement of his nation with non-violence and peace. In 1947, during the period of gaining independence from Germany, he was concerned India would be divided due to religious issues stemming from deep conflict between the Islamic and Hindu faiths. In response, he went on a hunger strike and finally brought about the agreement of the cessation of conflict by beginning with two religious leaders. He hoped for a conflict-free, united India.

India is the country that wished for the true light of peace. It has experienced countless religious and racial conflicts. Gandhi, the great national leader, was born midst these conflicts. Now India can no longer can be put into confinesand labeled as a "poor country." The whole world's eyes are gazing toward India. It is preparing for a leap in the world. It has infinite potential and economic growth to serve as its foundation.

by Baek Ji-Won

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